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Fighting For A Better Gonzales...
People Before Politics

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Public Safety will be a priority for my administration, police and fire protection are vital to any healthy community.  Gonzales PD and the Fire Department will be well supported…and held accountable.

Improved Drainage is possible in cooperation with Ascension Parish Government and EA Drainage.  That cooperation has been sorely lacking over decades, and I have worked hard to establish meaningful relationships with our parish counterparts to maximize benefit for us all.

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Gonzales’ Development Code needs to be reexamined.  Increased maximum residential density was adopted by the city a decade ago, without enacting heightened development requirements like Ascension Parish would do in 2022.

Addressing Traffic Congestion is not going to be easy, the exorbitant cost of road construction limiting options.  Strategic invest in our city roads, e.g. turn lanes, is a must while aggressively seeking partnerships to undertake bigger projects.

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Economic Development is the key to providing our children with opportunity.  My administration will prioritize job creation within the city limits, while strengthening the retail sector that generates sales tax revenue so critical to the city’s annual budgets.


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